ACCESS provides food, warmth, shelter, and other essential services to Jackson County’s low-income children, families, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities. As the Community Action Agency of Jackson County, Oregon, ACCESS has been helping residents break the cycle of poverty since 1976. Last year, 52,497 people received assistance from ACCESS’s broad continuum of services, including obtaining safe, affordable housing, rental assistance, utility assistance, weatherization, free loaned durable medical equipment and healthy food.
The mission of Addictions Recovery Center is to provide individuals and their families the opportunity to choose a healthier way of life.
The mission of ColumbiaCare is to promote the whole health and wellness of individuals and communities by developing progressive systems of behavioral health care facilities, housing, and service programs in collaboration with providers of social, judicial, health care, and Veterans services.
Community Works supports and empowers anyone impacted by domestic and sexual violence. We provide crisis support, safe housing, and we’re in the community to help whenever we are needed. Community Works operates our programs, services, and activities in compliance with federal nondiscrimination laws. All genders are welcome. All services are free and confidential.
Habitat for Humanity provides a unique opportunity for hardworking people and families to build and buy their own homes. Our houses are sold at no profit to our partner homeowners with an affordable mortgage. The mortgage lengths and payments vary depending on the income of the new homeowner(s); the monthly mortgage payment is based on the cost of construction (also includes taxes, insurance, and condo fees, if applicable) but is no more than 30% of the homeowner’s gross monthly income at the time of sale. As Habitat for Humanity homeowners make their monthly mortgage payments they are put into a revolving fund that helps pay for construction of future houses in Jackson County.
In 2006, Kevin read a newspaper article about 1,500 homeless youth in Jackson County and the need for a youth shelter. After many discussions with local service agencies confirming this need and no other agency willing to take it on, he felt compelled to do what was needed to establish a youth shelter, which first required forming a non-profit organization. Hearts With A Mission (HWAM) was granted its 501(c) 3 as a non-profit organization in March of 2007. In 2008, HWAM received a Community Development Block Grant through the City of Medford, with which they purchased property at 521 Edwards. The home was renovated through generous donations from the community to house up to 17 youth. HWAM opened its doors as a licensed Child Caring Agency in the State of Oregon on December 21st, 2009.
Since 1969, we have been developing new housing options throughout Jackson County, expanding our rental assistance programs and implementing family self sufficiency and tenant services programs that give families in our community the tools they need to succeed.
Our mission is to empower homeless youth to thrive independently through supports that stabilize and engage in all aspects of life!
Every weekday evening, we invite the community in to our restaurant-style dining hall to share in a delicious meal prepared in our full-service kitchen. It’s a restaurant quality meal and experience at no cost to our diners. At The Main ingredient, each meal is actually planned, prepared, and served by a team made up of our program participants and volunteers, providing an excellent opportunity for practicing relationships and hospitality together in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
Options for Helping Residents of Ashland (OHRA) helps low income people build better lives. By offering hope and access to social service resources, we encourage those in need on the path to self-sufficiency.
Rogue Retreat provides affordable housing/shelter and case management to homeless individuals and families in Jackson and Josephine Counties, Oregon, to teach them the skills they need to live independently.
The Rogue Valley Council of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to providing compassionate support to the poor, regardless of race, creed, sex, sexual orientation or ethnic origin. Each Council is locally organized, funded and staffed. Our Council has no financial obligation to any church and no effort is made to preach, convert or proselytize.