Alcoholics Anonymous Call Homepage

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who are able to relate and share their experiences, strength, and hopes with each other in order to solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

Narcotics Anonymous Call Homepage

Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who are learning to live without drugs. We are a non-profit society and have no dues or fees of any kind. Each of us has paid the price of membership. We have paid for the right to recover with our pain.

ORTC Medford Treatment Center Call Homepage

The mission of ORTC is to provide professional, personal, affordable and effective treatment to those suffering from opioid addiction and to proactively engage and educate the communities we serve about the disease.

Oasis Center of the Rogue Valley Call Homepage

The Oasis Center of the Rogue Valley was founded in 2019 by physician Kerri Hecox, MD, and child advocate Mary-Curtis Gramley in response to a community need to support parents with substance use disorders and their young children. Since opening we have served hundreds of families in our community providing services that support healthy child development, strong families, and supportive social networks.

OnTrack Rogue Valley Call Homepage

For over 50 years, OnTrack Rogue Valley has provided vital addiction treatment and recovery services. We offer outpatient and residential treatment options for adults and teens for substance abuse and addiction, DUII, domestic abuse and other behavioral health issues.

Overeaters Anonymous Homepage

OA is a spiritual program of recovery focused on the 12 Steps of Overeaters Anonymous. We offer face-to-face meetings, sponsorship, a supportive fellowship, tools to replace your compulsive eating behaviors, and much more.

ROC Recovery Center Call Homepage

The ROC is a faith-based charitable organization whose purpose is to empower, inspire, and provide restoration to the broken-hearted to help them overcome addiction, rebuild their lives, and restore their families through God's love and grace. We offer peer-support services and counseling for substance use disorders in a trauma-informed, gender-specific, and evidence-based therapeutic approach.

Reclaiming Lives Call Homepage

We provide hope and stability for those struggling with addiction through recovery planning and long-term support in a place where everyone is loved and accepted.

Rogue Retreat Call Homepage

Rogue Retreat provides affordable housing/shelter and case management to homeless individuals and families in Jackson and Josephine Counties, Oregon, to teach them the skills they need to live independently.